Real-time Digital Medicine – A career in General Practice

Real-time Digital Medicine – a career in General Practice

A talk delivered on 17th March 2011 Dr Hannan gave to a group of college students doing their GCSEs and in Lower 6th form about my own career, how I got into medicine and then General Practice as well as management in the NHS, what we are doing as a practice and where I think the challenges will be for students joining medicine now and over their career over the next 50 years or so 

A talk delivered on 13th December 2020 with the Young Professionals Society

A young college student wanting to be a prospective medical student spent a day with Dr Hannan getting work experience. Here is the blog she wrote after spending a day with him describing what she learned. 

Here are some useful links for students thinking about a career in Medicine and General Practice in particular that you may also be interested in too. If you find any other links that you think may also be useful then please do send them to me – I would be happy to update this page. You are more likely to know what is useful than anybody else since you are deciding now what to do!

Applying to Medical School


Getting into medical/dental school can be a painful process, but with Medology, it doesn’t need to be. We take you on a journey from start to finish, with a 24/7 support community, entertaining events, revolutionary courses and more! With accessibility at heart, no one misses out on what we’ve got to offer.

Click here to see the guide

Manchester Medical School: undergraduate course

The medical career of General Practitioners

A day as a General Practice doctor

British Medical Journal: The complete guide to being a GP

Royal College of General Practitioners

Royal College of GPs: Applying to General Practice – Choose GP – Blog post from GPs and future GPs, Why I chose General Practice

Click here to get Atul Gawande’s book “Being mortal

Click here to get Adam Kay’s book “This is going to hurt“. The book has been made into a major BBC drama and viewable via iPlayer, giving a good depiction of what it is like to be a doctor in the high pressure of the NHS!

I hope you find this resource useful to help you to decide whether you want a career in Medicine and General Practice in particular. Feel free to share the URL for this webpage with whom you like. (It is not accessible from the home page as the primary purpose of the website is for patients and not as a career guide but same difference I guess. How can one separate what we actually do with the career needed to do it? The website in effect is a reflection of the knowledge and experience wehave amassed during our career that can now help our patients to manage their own self care!). You may find the section on the left on “Staying healthy” and “4 teenagers” particularly interesting.

We live in uncertain times where there is much change happening all around us. Certainly General Practice has changed greatly from when I first applied to medical school and no doubt what you see today is likely to be very different to when you become a General Practitioner yourself if you choose to go down this route. Changes do happen along the way and it can be hard at this stage in your life to decide what you want to do. I know I did not think I would be a GP when I was applying to medical school but since becoming one, I have never looked back.

Do browse around the practice website – We have won national prizes for the material on here that we have gathered from patients and others inside the NHS and outside it. You may even wish to compare and contrast our own website for our patients with what your own GP has (or does not have!). Not everybody has the same facilities as we offer but most things here are available for most people now and we are all part of the same NHS.

“The future is here; it’s just not evenly distributed!” Sir Muir Gray (ex-Chief Knowledge Officer, NHS Connecting for Health)

Good luck. Our future lies in the hands of people just like you!

Dr Amir Hannan