A community message from the Peace of Mind project
The filmmaker was Lee Kirby and the project was funded by Community Arts North West. It has been supported by Hyde Bangladeshi Welfare Association. The aim of this project was to produce a film that explored Mental Health issues relevant to Bangladeshi men. It was produced in collaboration with local health advisors and the Hyde Bangladeshi community during 2011.
The Peace of Mind project was set up for Bangladeshi men in Hyde with the following aims.
- To bring together Bangladeshi men who have or had mental health problems or who care for someone with mental health problems
- To empower Bangladeshi men
- To offer activities based around the users own choices
- To provide indoor and outdoor recreational activities
- To offer a tension-free and empowering environment
- To share information and experiences around mental health issues
It has been championed by Anwar Ali (member of Hyde Bangladeshi Welfare Association) and John Newton ( Community Mental Health Development Worker with a focus on Black Minority Ethnic (BME) communities). The video was made during 2011. Unfortunately due to funding cuts the Peace of Mind project has now come to an end but the ideas, experiences, sights and sounds still Iive on and have been captured before it ended.
5 ways to Wellbeing
- Connect
- Be active
- Take notice
- Keep learning
- Give
Haughton Thornley Medical Centres has been very active in supporting patients, their carers and families to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Encouraging our patients to go online in order to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, access the Map of Medicine and access their GP electronic health records in order to gain a better understanding of their own health and also providing links to other sources e.g. Depression Care will provide further support too. More than 1 in 5 patients at Haughton Thornley Medial Centres with depression are already accesing their records! Although the Peace of Mind project has ended, we are proud to support this initiative and what it tried to do in the hope that others may be able to benefit from it and to encourage others to learn from this and move forwards in keeping with the 5 ways to wellbeing!
Here are some further links to Mental Health resources that you may find useful:
Off the Record: A FREE,confidential counselling service for young people aged 13-28 living in Tameside & Glossop and Oldham and based in Hyde
NHS Choices: 5 steps to mental wellbeing
Mind: How to improve your mental wellbeing
Mental Health Foundation: Podcasts on a variety of issues such as sleep, mindfulness, exercise, diet, relaxation, anxiety and stress, positive thinking and frequently asked questions
Books on Prescription: There are a number of books on prescriptions available for for you to borrow from your local library. Please ask the librarian for further information
Young Minds: What’s worrying you? Further information on abuse, anger issues, bullying, self-harm, depression, mental illness in family and a variety of other concerns