NHS Health Check
Your NHS Health Check results and action plan
Active Tameside
The service aims to improve your health and wellbeing, by working with you to become more active within your day to day life
Supporting smokers to stop smoking and help giving up smoking
Substance-related problems
Drug and alcohol help with substance or substance-related problems
My Local Area
Here to help you and your family eat better and move more
SuperBetter builds resilience – the ability to stay strong, motivated and optimistic even in the face of change and difficult challenges
Top 10 Tips
Elaine Michel, former Interim Director of Pubic Health at Tameside & Glossop PCT presents her top 10 tips as part of the Tameside & Glossop Public Health Annual Report 2012
Smoke Free
Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health
Drink Aware
Drink Aware can help you learn about the impact of alcohol on you, your family or friends
Weight loss blog
A friendly group, determined to lose weight, healthily and permanently
Over Fifty Fitness
For people not in the flush of youth but who want to stay fit, healthy and independent in older age