Exercise and walking

23 and a 1/2 hours! Watch the video above by Dr Mike Evans talking in a very entertaining manner about the surprising truth about the single best thing we can do for our health!

Not sure where to start ? Contact Active Tameside to see what they offer? Why not try the Couch to 5k plan? It’s free and all you need is to download professionally produced podcasts and your personal trainer to your mobile device or computer and then copy it to your mobile device.

If you are unsure whether it is safe for you to exercise then do contact your doctor or nurse for further advice

Read an article in the Guardian: Keep yourself healthy: Way better than asking a doctor like me to do it for you

Should you do couch to 5K. Don’t make these 5 mistakes – great blog. (We do not vouch for the adverts that are non-NHS).


Everyone knows that exercise is a must, but how much do you actually need? Even with established daily routines schedules can be ever changing, but exercise is one constant that can be incorporated across all lifestyles. The main question that many coaches, personal trainers or health care professionals receive is: How much do I need to exercise? This question has a variety of different answers. This blog will discuss the different exercise recommendations and the many positives that come with daily exercise.

From the CDC shows examples for an adult dividing 150 minutes of exercise throughout the week (Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2020).

NHS Choices: Physical Activity guidelines for adults aged 19-64